Hologram SIM activation wizard


Hologram is a cellular internet of things (IoT) connectivity platform. To reduce complexity and cost for customers, the Hologram leadership team decided to switch to a tiered and regional model with feature add-ons. This foundational change affected the SIM activation wizard customers use to activate their device SIMs.

My roles

Strategy, UX/UI, prototyping, IxD, collaboration, and storytelling


2 weeks


The SIM activation conversion rate increased by a significant 13% after my design optimizations. The new data plan selection workflow successfully prevented customers from leaving activation to double-check their work, resulting in a smoother and more efficient experience.

Major design problem one

During the old SIM activation workflow, customers uploaded their SIMs on the fourth step. The problem is, if there are issues with the uploaded SIMs, users will have to restart the activation workflow, wasting four steps of progress.

Major design problem one: solution

In order to address this issue, I reorganized the Upload and Plan steps to prevent customers from proceeding through multiple steps before discovering errors with their SIMs. After consulting with the engineering team, we determined that implementing this change would not require significant additional effort. Consequently, we moved forward with the decision to modify the process accordingly.

Major design problem two

Before the optimizations, the Tags feature had a binary function where customers could only choose to add tags or not. However, with the introduction of the new tiered pricing model, Lite, Plus, and Pro customers were offered different tag limits. As a result, I was tasked with designing a user interface that could effectively accommodate this new model.

Major design problem two: process

The introduction of the new tiered pricing model posed a significant challenge, as it demanded much greater complexity in the interface. In response, I undertook the task of designing a dynamic UI that could seamlessly adjust to the varying plan details, while also ensuring the inclusion of empty states for optimal user experience.

Major design problem two: solution

Luckily, I had designed the Tags feature just two weeks prior to support tiered pricing, and I was able to use the same UI in the activation flow. This helped to simplify the process for customers and reduce the level of engineering effort required. Overall, it proved to be a beneficial integration.

Major design problem three

The data plan selection page had experienced a considerable amount of churn, which we identified as being due to the complexity of the data user interface. In light of the new pricing model, our goal was to improve the page's functionality without adding further complexity to it.

Major design problem three: process

After observing multiple users becoming increasingly frustrated and abandoning the flow at this step, it became evident that the complexity of the data played a significant role. The customers were forced to manually calculate their costs, resulting in an inconvenient and unsatisfactory user experience.

Major design problem three: IA

The task at hand became more intricate with the introduction of region-specific and tiered plans, adding another layer of complexity to the data model. The objective was to create a user interface that was not only more user-friendly than before but also accommodated the increased content effortlessly.

Major design problem three: solution

Collaborating with the Principal Product Designer, we developed innovative layout concepts that presented the content in a more scalable and easily comprehensible format.

Major design problem three: solution

After conducting thorough research, I realized that budget was a crucial factor for users. To address this, I devised a solution that displayed the estimated monthly total upfront and gradually revealed the rest of the content. By doing so, users could quickly scan the data and narrow down their options based on their budget. This approach proved to be highly effective in enhancing the user experience.

Major design problem three: documentation

Working alongside the Principal Product Designer, I meticulously documented various button states for the engineering team to facilitate the creation of an intuitive user interface. This collaborative effort ultimately helped us to streamline development, avoid inconsistencies, and deliver a high-quality product that our users loved.

Major design problem four

During the design process for other parts of the app, I identified several areas where the user interface could be refined to enhance the user experience. Specifically, I noticed that the segmented controller was difficult to locate, the content did not change dynamically based on the UI state, the purple color used for uploaded tags was confusing, and the display of the number of uploaded SIMs was not meaningful. By addressing these issues, I believed we could create a more intuitive and user-friendly app.

Major design problem four: solution

To improve the user experience, I implemented best practices for radio buttons and refined the copy to communicate more clearly. Additionally, I made changes to the sidebar to provide a more clear representation of the step the user is on. I also assigned colors to the uploaded SIMs to help communicate their respective states. These changes were made with the goal of creating a more intuitive and user-friendly app that users would find easy to navigate and understand.


The new activation workflow for managed accounts resulted in a significant increase in conversions, with a 13% increase observed. The main driver behind this improvement appears to be the new data plan selection workflow. By observing user sessions and analyzing funnels, it was clear that customers were less likely to abandon the activation process to double-check their work. The streamlined workflow made the process more efficient, reducing the likelihood of errors and providing customers with a more seamless and straightforward activation experience. Overall, this improvement in the activation process is a great example of how UX improvements can have a tangible impact on business outcomes.